The UK is facing a mental health challenge at work that is much larger than we had thought. Not only is there a big human cost of poor mental health at work, there are also knock on impacts for society, the economy and Government.

We’re here to support you to manage health and wellbeing proactively, minimise the impact of mental ill health on your business and your people, and promote and maintain healthy workplaces.

Positive wellbeing has a well-documented impact on productivity, performance, and engagement, and supporting equity and wellbeing is good business for everyone.

Our organisational training is available for groups of up to 16 and costs £3,000 for the full programme, including discovery and after-care.

An end-to-end experience

Our programme provides an end-to-end experience taking you on a journey to new skills designed for real-life situations. We’ll work with you to gain a deep understanding of your unique needs, and tailor a bespoke programme for you. We also offer post-training support through our network, and provide a toolkit for individuals targeting your specific workplace challenges.

Training for the modern workplace

All of us are inundated with information on a daily basis. In order for our programme to be effective, we work with specialist trainers to engage and energise your team with a practical programme that covers prevention, early intervention, and treatment to support those suffering from mental ill health.

Support your people, support your culture, support your business

Poor mental health in the workplace costs UK employers a staggering £45 billion per year. Empowering individuals in your organisation with the skills to respond when someone is in crisis is just as good for them, as it is for their communities, as it is for the business. 

Empower everyone

Mental health first aid training provides life-long, powerful and effective skills that can empower individuals to listen, understand, reassure and respond during a mental health crisis, and to prevent the loss of life. It’s also designed to promote  increased openness in discussing mental health and challenge stigmas and stereotypes.

Discover how mental health first aid training can benefit your organisation

Ready for a mentally healthy workplace?

Find out more about our programmes and how we can help your organisation.

Interested in why we reinvest 50% of profits into under-resourced areas of the community? Or why we’re addressing mental health first aid in the workplace?

Drop us a line, we’d love to speak to you.