Mental health first aid training in the workplace

WCDB aims to revive the delivery of mental health first aid training to ensure an engaging, relevant and practical programme for the modern workplace.


WCDB is a social enterprise delivering youth and adult mental health first aid training. We use the internationally acclaimed and evidence-based MHFA England programme, to empower individuals with the tools and knowledge to identify, assist, and appropriately direct those who may be suffering from ill mental health.

Licensed MHFA training has an international reputation as a successful mental health literacy and skills programme for use in workplaces, schools, colleges and universities.

1 in 3 adults in the UK are affected by mental ill health

Despite significant advancements in the diagnosis and treatment of mental ill health, the majority of the population are ill-equipped to respond to a coworker, friend or family member in crisis.

Poor mental health costs UK employers up to £45b a year

Research shows a higher return on investment can be achieved by early interventions, such as organisation-wide culture change and education.

COVID-19 has accelerated a decline in mental health

WCDB offers a practical training programme for teams and individuals in the prevention, early intervention and treatment of mental ill health.

Find out about our adult and youth programmes

The business cost of mental ill health at work

1 in 6 workers will experience depression, anxiety or problems relating to stress at any one time.


Adapted from Centre for Mental Health 2017

Ready for a mentally healthy workplace?

Find out more about our programmes and how we can help your organisation.

Interested in why we reinvest 50% of profits into under-resourced areas of the community? Or why we’re addressing mental health first aid in the workplace?

Drop us a line, we’d love to speak to you.